Mother Tongue

Yikui (Coy) Gu

Select works from Classic Yellow series

Classic Yellow is a series of autobiographical works using the artist and his wife as subject matter. In probing the specificity, both lived and imagined, of their immigrant Chinese-German marriage, universal truths and absurdities are revealed. The spaces between order and chaos, sincerity and irony, design and chance are explored using visual elements from the internet, hip hop culture, and art history. Painting, drawing, and collage, alongside materials ranging from chopsticks to bodily fluids, juxtapose each other, echoing the artist’s relationship to his wife and serving as a metaphor for it. Through this combination of political, cultural, and domestic imagery, the artist affirms and subverts the contemporary human condition through a Yellow lens. 




Carolina Casusol


Tiri Kananuruk