Mother Tongue: Performance Projects

Salomé Egas


In Reflejo the dancer and performance artist Salomé Egas retells a story of the colonization of Ecuadorian indigenous bodies through movement. The artist juxtaposes Incan cosmovision with the catholic church in an elaborate setting. It is within this collision of sacred spaces that the erasure of Ecuadorian culture, language, and identity takes place. Staged as a journey, Egas uses lights, storytelling, body painting, and the physical stripping of indigenous clothes to embody and reenact generational lineage of colonization. Along the way INTI, the Incan God Sun, is captured through the use of mirror reflections. With a vulnerable sensibility the piece dramatically closes with Egas covered in white paint--a second skin that encapsulates internalized colonization and erasure of indigeneity. Reflejo represents how Egas’s ancestors were stripped of their culture and symbolizes how these practices continue. 


*This performance will take place on December 18th 2020

Salome Egas, Reflejo, 2020, 09:40 mins



Kevin Quiles Bonilla