Mother Tongue

Katreen Sorokina

Porridge in my head (Каша в голове)

In her work, artist Katreen Sorokina is interested in the role of language in relation to identity and assimilation. The works presented in Porridge in my head explore the confusion and frustration of navigating life between two languages, English and Russian. By combining Cyryllic and Latin alphabets, the artist creates a code language that reflects the language barrier she has experienced in her own life. 


Katreen Sorokina, You will never not be an immigrant. Once an immigrant, always an immigrant, 2020, digital

Katreen Sorokina, I didn’t leave Russia. Russia left me, 2020, digital


Katreen Sorokina, I met Baryshnikov last night. I didn’t know what language we should speak, 2020, digital

Katreen Sorokina, Foreign ships scattered us through foreign lands, like irrelevant junk, 2020, digital


Sari Nordman


Sera Boeno