Mother Tongue
Haksul Lee & Natsuki Takauji
What is Your Name
What Is Your Name is composed of a sound installation and blue and white airplane-like sculptures that face each other as though the one is a reflection of the other. For this work, Lee and Takauji interviewed people in different communities throughout New York City to collect their names in their mother languages, handwriting, and voices. The various colors and alphabets on the white side of the work’s sculpture illustrate the diversity of people. The artists have transcribed these names into the International Phonetic Alphabet on the blue side to symbolize unity, signifying our collective effort to understand other languages. The unique handwriting and recorded voices symbolize the value of individual and cultural differences. Through this socially engaged art project, Lee and Takauji addressed people's origins and coexisting differences.
Natsuki Takauji’s website
Natsuki Takauji’s instagram
Haksul Lee’s instagram
Haksul Lee and Natsuki Takauji, What Is Your Name, 2020, steel, aluminum, paper, ink pen, paint 5:20 minutes
Haksul Lee, Natsuki Takauji, What Is Your Name, 2020, steel, aluminum, paper, ink pen, paint, H 5’ W 3’ L 3’
Haksul Lee, Natsuki Takauji, What Is Your Name, 2020, steel, aluminum, paper, ink pen, paint, H 5’ W 3’ L 3’